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A Safety Seat Belt is a vehicle safety device that prevents the driver against harmful movement that may result to loss of live and valuables. This reduces the risk of death or serious injury of both driver and the passengers.

if the driver and the passengers are travelling and all of a sudden there was a miscount, the seat prevent the driver and the passenger from falling out of the car or crashing there head against any interior of the car, it is 99.9 safe for the driver and the passengers. Many driver and passenger have lost their live as a result of negligence of the use of car seat belt.

The Nigeria Law says that the Policemen are entitled to arrest and give ticket to drivers who are on motion and refuses to use their seat belt.

Close up portrait of a driver hand fastening seatbelt in a car


Do You Know that Seat belt safes life, are you wearing your seat belt in the right way?

  1. Sits in any of your vehicle seats that you are comfortable with.
  2. Take your seat belt from your left side of your arm.
  3. Cross the seat belt across your body.
  4. If the seat belt is too short, note that it is always adjustable.
  5. Adjust the Sit belt across your Lap and Pelvic Not Stomach.
  6. Adjust the shoulder belt to fit comfortably across the chest and not neck, it should never rub on your neck or face to avoid scratch.
  7. Never put the shoulder belt behind your back or under your arm
  8. Recheck and Confirm the belt is secure before take off.

NOTE: Pregnant woman should wear the Lap belt below their belly, not on or above it.

Display of a Pregnant Woman with seat belt


1950s, Most car did not come with seatbelt. With the invention of new
technology, engineers seek ways of preventing people’s life and property; they
came to a conclusion of planting a seatbelt in the car. Still, most drivers
have been ignorance of the precaution which can lead to severe injury or even
death as a result of car crash.

In 1968- Seatbelt became Nationality Mandated; this was when the First
Federal Law mandating all new cars to be equipped with both lap and shoulder
belts in the Front seat was introduced after which the Back seatbelt was also


Here is Why You Should Always Wear Your Seatbelt before Driving.

  1. SAVE LIVES: The primary aim of a seatbelt is too save life, it helps to keep driver and passenger in a motion when there is a sudden harsh break . When a car is in motion and crashes with another, passengers can still be in motion and be saved from any danger.
  2. PREVENT INJURIES: Many people who survive a car crash often sustain an injury, wearing a seatbelt can reduce the severity or reduce the risk of this type of injury such as; Head Injury, Spinal Cord injury, Broken bones / fracture, Skin scratch.
  3. KEEP PASSENGERS FROM PROJECTION:  As mentioned earlier, wearing a seatbelt helps passengers stay in one place when the car is in danger all passengers should wear their seatbelts, even if you are sitting in the back seat.
  4. AIRBAG CAN NOT WORK ALONE: While Airbags are another safety features in the vehicle, do you know that it cannot protect you alone? This can get the passenger injured or kill if the seatbelt is not worn.
  5. TO AVOID TRAFFIC TICKET: According to Texas Department of Transportation [TDT], if you are not wearing a seat belt or you are not wearing it properly, you will be fined  and made compulsory to pay to avoid any kind of deformation.





This question occurs all the time, of course YES, a Child can make use of it
because they are prone to danger if it occurs, so therefore anything that has
life should be secure carefully.

Not only humans should be protected, also animals e.g. dog should also be
protected, you can’t kill what you cannot create out of negligence.


What are you waiting for, come and Install your new Fashioned and more
secure Seatbelt at ISN AUTOCARE SERVICES. 08074446555. www.isnautocareservices.com


The post SAFETY: LIFE SAVING TIPS ON CAR SEAT BELT first appeared on ISN Autocare.

The post SAFETY: LIFE SAVING TIPS ON CAR SEAT BELT first appeared on Swordpress.



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