Chatgpt’s explanation:
• First panel: The genie grants three wishes but explicitly forbids wishing for more wishes.
• Second panel: The character (a cybernetic, hooded figure) makes their first wish:
• They request that the number of wishes be stored as an unsigned 32-bit integer.
• In computing, an unsigned 32-bit integer can store values from 0 to 4,294,967,295 (2³² – 1).
• Third panel: The second wish is made:

• They specify that the subtraction of wishes should only occur after a wish is completed.
• This is a crucial loophole that ensures at least one wish always remains before the counter is reduced.
• Fourth panel: The genie begins to realize something is wrong.
• Fifth panel: The final wish: “I wish to have 0 wishes.”
• Since the wish counter is an unsigned 32-bit integer, subtracting 1 from 0 does not result in -1 (because there are no negative values in an unsigned integer).
• Instead, it causes an integer underflow, making the wish counter wrap around to the maximum possible value: 4,294,967,295.
• Because of the second wish, this overflowed value is not immediately reduced, effectively granting the character billions of wishes.
• Final panel: The genie realizes they’ve been tricked, reacting in shock.